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Innovative Platform for transition to a Circular Economy to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in the Baltic sea region

June 17. The international consortium "Saint-Petersburg Cleantech Cluster for urban environment" traditionally plans to participate in the XIX all-Russian forum "STRATEGIC PLANNING in the REGIONS AND CITIES of RUSSIA", which will be held in St. Petersburg on October 26-27, 2020. The cluster has applied for the promotion: Sprint-session “Innovative Platform for transition to a Circular Economy to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in the Baltic sea region”. The event was announced as part of Theme line 5. The 2030 Agenda: Achieving the SDGs in Russia ("Green day» forum).

June 17. The international consortium "Saint-Petersburg Cleantech Cluster for urban environment" traditionally plans to participate in the XIX all-Russian forum "STRATEGIC PLANNING in the REGIONS AND CITIES of RUSSIA", which will be held in St. Petersburg on October 26-27, 2020. The cluster has applied for the promotion: Sprint-session “Innovative Platform for transition to a Circular Economy to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in the Baltic sea region”. The event was announced as part of Theme line 5. The 2030 Agenda: Achieving the SDGs in Russia ("Green day» forum).


The innovative platform "Sustainable Development Cluster 2030" is the Russian initiative   of cross-sectoral and international cooperation at all levels for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)in the Baltic sea region.

Cluster 2030 is the open platform for consolidation and international cooperation both at the level of individual projects and existing project platforms. The best practices in the field of sustainable development of the INTERREG Projects are accelerating transition towards circular economy and achieving SDGs in the Baltic sea region. The Interreg Baltic sea region 2014-2020 and the South-Eastern Finland-Russia 2014-2020 Programs are providing efficient financial instruments and cooperation frameworks to implement regional and local Agendas to achieve 17 global Sustainable Development goals.

Sprint points for the discussions:

How does the innovative platform "Sustainable Development Cluster 2030" work? What we need to do to be coordinated better to achieve the SDGs and ensure high quality of life for people in our countries and the Baltic sea region?

What national and international tools does it use? What legal frameworks need to be introduced to accelerate the transition to circular economy?

Who is paying? How to finance clean technology projects and how to encourage green investment in clean air, clean water, clean energy, green transport, organic farming, and food production? Which Russian financial institutions integrate the SDGs when making investment decisions?

Expected result.

Joint actions for the implementation of the Road maps and international projects participating in the innovation platform "Cluster of Sustainable Development 2030":

- STARTUP ACCELERATOR/ An innovative ecosystem to stimulate the consumer market for clean technologies in the Baltic sea region.

- Baltic Industrial Symbiosis / Baltic Industrial Symbiosis for the creation and development of eco-industrial parks;

- Clean Shipping Project Platform / Clean technology in the shipping industry – project platform;

- Finnish Russian PPP catalyzing new green business- catalyst for a new green business;

- Business in Biotechnology and Circular Economy (BBC1);

- Pilot Project in Crowdfunding of Energy.  Efficiency Projects in Russia;

Recommendations on Expanding the membership of participants and countries, Diversifying funding sources, and Deepening cooperation among participants of the innovation platform " Cluster for Sustainable Development 2030